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发布日期:2024-06-01 01:57浏览次数:
本文摘要:Apple is exploring the idea of making iPhones in the US after Donald Trumps victory in the presidential election raised the prospect of a crackdown on American companies that manufacture abroad.苹果公司于是以考虑到在美国本土生产iPhone手机,因为特朗普获得总统大选胜利后,很有可能


Apple is exploring the idea of making iPhones in the US after Donald Trumps victory in the presidential election raised the prospect of a crackdown on American companies that manufacture abroad.苹果公司于是以考虑到在美国本土生产iPhone手机,因为特朗普获得总统大选胜利后,很有可能对制造业南迁的美国公司展开抨击。Foxconn, the electronics giant that assembles the iPhone at enormous facilities in China, has been told to study how feasible it would be to move production to the US, according to reports in Asia.据亚洲媒体报道,在中国享有大量工厂装配iPhone手机的制造商、电子巨头富士康公司已被拒绝研究将生产线移往至美国的可能性。Mr Trump repeatedly criticised Apple on the campaign trail for making its products abroad and has threatened to slap import tariffs of 45pc on Chinese goods. Were going to get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries, he said in January.在特朗普竞选巡回演唱演说期间,苹果公司因在国外生产产品而遭到其大力批评,特朗普还威胁要对中国生产的产品征税45%的进口关税。

他今年一月份曾回应,“我们要让苹果在美国生产他们的电脑和其他产品,而不是在别的国家。”Beijing cautioned Mr Trump against a trade war this week, with the state-run Global Times newspaper warning of a retaliation that would see sales of US goods including iPhones cut off in China.北京方面本周规劝特朗普不要发动贸易战争,中国官方媒体《环球时报》警告iPhone等美国产品在中国的销量有可能因此受到影响。

A batch of Boeing orders will be replaced by (Frances) Airbus. US auto and iPhone sales in China will suffer a setback, and US soybean and maize imports will be halted, it said.《环球时报》称之为,“一批波音订单将被替换成(法国)空客。美国汽车和iPhone手机在中国的销量将相当严重挫败,中国将暂停进口美国大豆和玉米。”Apple already assembles some high-end Mac computers in the US, but shifting the 200m iPhones it makes a year to the country would be a much more significant and costly undertaking.苹果公司早已开始在美国装配部分高端Mac电脑,但苹果每年生产2亿部手机,将手机生产移往至国内的措施关系根本性且代价高昂。

The immediate impact of the switch could, however, be limited since the majority of the iPhones components are not made by Foxconn itself, but manufactured by suppliers and put together in China.不过这一改变的直接影响受限,因为iPhone的大部分组件不是富士康自己生产的,而是由供应商生产,然后在中国装配。Estimates have suggested that the cost of assembling the iPhone in the US would only increase the cost of making the device by around $30, much of it in additional transportation.据估计,在美国装配iPhone手机不能是将该设备的生产成本增加大约30美元,成本下跌多源自额外运输费。The Nikkei Asian Review reported that Apple had asked its two manufacturers, Foxconn and Pegatron, to assess the cost of US assembly in June - several months before the election - but that only Foxconn had complied.《MBS亚洲评论》报导称之为,苹果公司6月份早已拒绝富士康、和硕牵头两家制造商评估在美国组装iPhone手机的成本,但是只有富士康从命了。

The company may simply be assessing the measure to prove it would be prohibitively expensive, rather than seriously considering the matter. Apple did not comment.该公司展开评估的目的也许意味着是为了证明此举得不偿失,而并非严肃考虑到此事。回应,苹果并未公开发表评论。



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