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微软总裁炮轰国安局 暗示其乃勒索病毒来源

发布日期:2024-06-16 01:57浏览次数:
本文摘要:Microsoft president Brad Smith slammed the National Security Agency (NSA) for its part in the WannaCry ransomware cyberattack.软件巨头微软公司总裁兼首席法务官布拉德·史密斯近日批评美国国家安全局在“想哭”勒索软件网络攻击事件中扮演着的角色。


Microsoft president Brad Smith slammed the National Security Agency (NSA) for its part in the WannaCry ransomware cyberattack.软件巨头微软公司总裁兼首席法务官布拉德·史密斯近日批评美国国家安全局在“想哭”勒索软件网络攻击事件中扮演着的角色。The malware behind the WannaCry was reported to have been stolen from the NSA in April.有报导称之为,“想哭”背后的恶意软件是今年4月从美国国安局拿走的。Smith, who is also the chief legal officer with the software giant, equated the NSA losing the hacking tool used in creating WannaCry as being the same as the US military losing a Tomahawk missile.史密斯称之为,美国国安局遗失了这个被用来创立想哭的黑客工具,相等于美国军方遗失了一枚战斧导弹。

We have seen vulnerabilities stored by the CIA show up on WikiLeaks, and now this vulnerability stolen from the NSA has affected customers around the world, said Smith in a company blog.他在公司博客上发文称之为:“我们已看见维基解密上晒出的中情局黑市的那些漏洞,如今这个美国国安局被盗的漏洞已对全球客户包含影响。”Repeatedly, exploits in the hands of governments have leaked into the public domain and caused widespread damage.“政府掌控的漏洞屡屡流向公共领域,导致大范围的毁坏。

”The malicious software has created havoc on computer networks in more than 150 countries since May 12th.自5月12日以来,恶意软件“想哭”无意逾150个国家的计算机网络导致严重破坏。



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