Chinese scientists announced they have set a new world record by achieving 101.2 seconds of steady-state H-mode operation of the tokamak, an experimental device designed to harness the energy of fusion.我国科学家于近日宣告,他们顺利构建了托卡马克101.2秒稳态低约束运营,建构了新的世界纪录。托卡马克是一种目的利用核聚变能量的实验装置。The milestone meant Chinas Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), dubbed artificial sun, became the worlds first tokamak device to achieve the 100-second-level, Hefei Institute of Physical Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences said.中科院合肥物质科学研究院称之为,这一里程碑式事件,标志着我国的全超导托卡马克实验装置(东方超环)沦为了世界上首个运行时间超过百秒量级的托卡马克装置。东方超环也被称作人造太阳。
Scientists said this breakthrough will be of great value to the human quest for clean energy via nuclear fusion.科学家们回应,这一突破对于人类谋求通过核聚变取得新能源的探寻将具备最重要价值。Last year, the EAST team in Hefei, Anhui, created a record by achieving over 60 seconds of steady-state long-pulse H-mode discharge of the device.去年,安徽合肥的东方超环团队构建了托卡马克多达60秒的稳态宽脉冲低约束模静电,建构了纪录。EASTs steady-state H-mode operation has provided important experimental support for the operation of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), a large international scientific cooperation project.东方超环的稳态低约束运营模式的运营,为国际热核实验反应堆--一个大型国际科学合作项目--的运营获取了最重要的实验反对。
More than 30 countries are participating in ITER to build the worlds largest tokamak.目前世界上共计30多个国家正在参予国际热核实验反应堆项目,来建设世界上仅次于的托卡马克。
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